Zobiko is a young slender female zombie with long blonde hair that becomes jagged at the back like lightning bolts and a fringe that covers her right eye. She has what appear to be human ribs as hair decorations, alongside a hairband, and wears an eyeball on each ear as an earring. Her skin is a light mint color, and she has a very small surgical scar on her left cheek.
Her outfit consists a charcoal colored strapless top(although a chunk is ripped out of it on her right side) and a pair of charcoal colored bloomer shorts with darker gray polka dots. Around her waist she wears a brown belt with a skull shaped buckle. She has bandages decorating her left forearm, left shin and foot and loosely wrapped around the entirity of her right leg.
Zobiko was a recent creation of Dr. Curien, however he found she would refuse any order he gave her. After many failed attempts to get her to obey him, he threw her in a prison cell to reconsider her attitude and assigned Zobio to guard her.
Zobiko learns to talk through her interactions with Zobio, and the two soon fall in love with one another. Zobio breaks Zobiko out of jail and the two escape the Mansion. Dr. Curien, furious, sends Justice, The Star, The Empress and The World to assasinate both zombies for their insubordination.
However after a battle against Zobiko and Zobio, The Star ends up falling in love with Zobiko himself. The Star attempts to kidnap Zobiko, but Zobio protects her. Zobiko slaps The Star and he comes to accept that she and Zobio love one another.
In the final battle against The World, The Star aids Zobiko and Zobio by holding up the train, giving the zombie lovers a foothold on which to overcome The World.
Upon The World's defeat it is set to self destruct. The Star once again comes along to save the pair from the explosion. He returns to Dr. Curien reporting that the two undead lovebirds perished in the explosion, allowing Zobiko and Zobio to have their desired freedom. Dr. Curien mourns the loss of Zobiko, revealing her to be the spitting image of his deceased wife.
Zobio and Zobiko later get married, their wedding taking place in the race course "Graveyard Gig" in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Zobiko and her new husband are seen in their wedding attire on the final lap.
Due to hardware limitations Zobiko was left out of the DS version of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, leaving the driving exclusively to her beloved Zobio.
According to the racing announcer, Zobiko does the majority of the driving in the game.
Zobiko has at least three love interests; Zobio, whom she returns the feelings of and eventually marries, The Star who has an unrequited crush on her, and the ending reveals that Dr. Curien either made Zobiko from his deceased wife's corpse in the hopes of bringing her back, or created Zobiko in her likeness due to missing her.
Zobio and Zobiko were included as racers in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing as their cartoonier looks fit better than most of The House of the Dead content would, and likely the two wouldn't raise the age rating like other iconic characters from the series would.[1]