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This is Ulala reporting from Spaceport 9, over and out. Space Channel 5!“

Ulala closing out her first report in Space Channel 5 (Part 1).

Ulala is the main protagonist and hero in the Space Channel 5 series. She is a reporter for Space Channel 5 and also an excellent dancer.



At the age of 12, Ulala was the sole survivor of a spaceship explosion, where she was rescued by a Space Channel 5 reporter.

Space Channel 5 (Part 1)[]

At the age of 22, Ulala got a major chance at stardom by covering the Morolian invasion (which started at Spaceport 9).

Ulala made her big-time debut with Ulala's Swingin' Report Show on Channel 5, covering an invasion at Spaceport 9, where she was surprised to discover that the Morolians were immobilizing their victims by using ray guns that force them to "dance". She made use of her tension blasters' beams to eliminate aliens and rescue hostages, respectively.

Also, while in Spaceport 9, she encountered Channel 42 reporter, Pudding. They had a brief dance battle and Ulala made it to the scoop before her.

While investigating the invasion, Ulala had to fend off rival reporters Pudding, from Channel 42, and Jaguar, now a suave man from the Space Pirate Broadcasters. Eventually, Channel 5 reaches the Morolians' base within the Asteroid Belt. Inside, the large robot known as Morolian Monroe was ready to take on Ulala. A rough fight occurred and Jaguar unfortunately caught up to the reporter. However, he offers to help Ulala defeat the robot and the two take on Monroe together. Ulala shoots the screens that appear and Jaguar covers her by shooting at the two-in-one alien directly.

After the battle, it was discovered that the Morolians were being brainwashed as well. On Fuse's orders, Ulala fired at the television screen that kept the aliens in the room hypnotized. The secret base falls apart and everyone evacuates. As Ulala was riding out of the large tubing leading outside and pulling double duty in saving the Morolians, Jaguar came over the comlink between Ulala and Fuse, noting that the brainwash signal's frequency matched up with signals from Channel 5.

Ulala, Pudding, and Jaguar headed out to Channel 5's headquarters to discover a group of Morolians convening in a meeting on making people dance. At the end of the room was Channel 5 CEO Chief Blank, revealing himself to be personally involved with the entire invasion. He teleported away from the trio, and the chase continued. Space Michael was encountered in the connecting hallway and rescued from captivity, joining Ulala as she heads for the control room. There, Ulala rescues the "Keyboard Grrrl" and everyone marches toward the elevator. Inside, Mr. Blank is seen sitting in a chair. Taunting the reporter, he zooms up to the roof while Ulala is left with a mass of Morolians to take care of. Hoorg, the Morolian Leader, joined the group that followed Ulala up to the final confrontation.

Emerging from the elevator, Ulala and her companions learned that Chief Blank's direction for Channel 5 was based on ratings, rather than truthful reporting. The "Ultimate Reporter" Evila, a robot intended to replace Ulala, was sent to defeat her, but was not successful. Afterwords, a humongous robot, Giant Evila, had taken the broadcasting ship and the director inside hostage, leaving it up to Ulala aboard the Astrobeat Jr. along with Jaguar and Pudding on their own crafts to dance-off against the new threat. Ulala was instructed to move in the opposite direction of what she hears in order to protect Fuse.

Giant Evila gets bold, knocking away both Pudding and Jaguar before the sound system failed and Ulala lost her rhythm. Ulala was knocked away, left to float in space. An acapella melody picked up and Jaguar reached out for Ulala, twirling her slightly back onto the Astrobeat Jr. Ulala now had a chant support, giving her a rhythm to groove to. She retaliated and caused Giant Evila's head to disconnect from the rest of it's body, hovering above everyone. Shifting to the image of Chief Blank, he revealed to Ulala that ratings were everything to him, even if it meant brainwashing the masses.

Chief Blank, now called Blank TV, activated the "Blank Dimension," sucking him and Ulala into a separate space to battle, however the chant support was still clearly heard. Through a somewhat confusing game of TV laser tag wherein Ulala must shoot the TV screens with the correct beam (either "shoot" or "rescue"), the strength of her support increased. People started singing along with Ulala even when Blank's screens acted as feet and hands in a way one could only see to believe. The Blank Dimension shattered and Ulala was released. When the energy of the crowd was pumped up, Fuse instructed everyone to focus all of their energy toward the station's antenna. Ulala, Jaguar, Pudding, and some Morolians each got a line in as the energy builded, becoming tendrils of a brilliant blue against the dark, specled canvas of space. Those tendrils worked their way up the antenna just as Blank said his final commands. Everyone repeated him, fully charging the antenna and blasting Blank, claiming he'll be back, into deep space.

Ulala wrapped up her report and marched off with friends and former foes alike along a glittering trail left by Fuse's ship, making their way to the end of the galaxy.

Space Channel 5 (Part 2)[]


Ulala and Pudding dueling guitars

Sometime after the Morolian invasion and additional investigations, Ulala was sent to cover an attack on a cruising spaceship. This ended up being Ulala's first encounter with the Rhythm Rogues, a group of mass-produced robots led by Shadow to abduct civilians in an identical manner done previously by the Morolians. After saving hostages on the cruise ship, Ulala came across deadlier robots Kin, Kon and Kan in the Lookout Dome. The mechas sent by the Rhythm Rogue mastermind, Purge, to defeat Ulala are toppled, although it seems Purge was expecting this, as he remarks "the party's just begun."


Ulala and others celebrating their rescue after defeating Shadow

In the wake of the Rhythm Rogues' attack, Space President Peace made a highly publicized appearance during the band festival at Space Park, although Ulala was not among the press invited to the event. Interrupting Peace's performance of "This Is My Happiness," the power was cut off and a horrifying robot plant rose from the ground as the Rhythm Rogues abducted Peace. Ulala arrived at the scene shortly afterwords to rescue hostages throughout the gardens, including several students from Space Music Primary School, as well as their teacher Mr. Joely.

On her way to rescue Peace, she was interrupted by Pudding, who insisted on getting the scoop first and challenged Ulala to a guitar battle. After successfully defeating Pudding with her guitar skills, Ulala continued to rescue the Space Bird Mistress (or Space Dog Mistress) and several birdwatchers from the Birdmen. She finally made her way to Space Park's tropical garden, where she soon defeated the dancing robot Pon Piriri and saved Peace, only for him to be immediately re-captured by Shadow.

When Purge revealed a ransom exchange for the hostages and the President, Ulala, Fuse and Noize quickly dispatched themselves to the exchange point. Despite warnings from Space Police Chief Pine to back off and leave the investigation to her, the Channel 5 team continued to make their way to the exchange point. As Ulala successfully dodged attacks from Pine and avoided arrest, Space Michael sent a message to warn the group that Channel 5 had been attacked by robots. Ulala, Fuse, and Noize immediately returned to the space station, Fuse declaring the ransom scoop a trap.

Upon arriving at Channel 5 HQ's airspace, the Astrobeat was soon attacked by robots. Ulala managed to enter the station along with a handful of Rescue Police troops, rescuing Space Michael. The pair, along with many reprogrammed Evila security bots, entered the core and encountered Purge in the flesh for the first time. Purge cleverly used a paralyzed Peace as a shield while fighting Ulala, but the reporter was able to defeat him with ease. Fuse dived in the Astrobeat Spaceship to deliver the final blow, but the laser shot he fires at Purge is rebounded towards Ulala. Fuse took the blow for Ulala and ploughed into the fiery depths of the station. Ulala screamed as Purge laughed manically before taking off with the station's broadcasting antenna, and Ulala was stunned while Michael and the Space Cheerleaders evacuated. Noize managed to rescue Ulala, but the Astrobeat Jr quickly started to run out of power. Ulala attempted to regain energy with her dance moves, and managed to give the ship enough fuel to escape the exploding space station.

Pine summoned Ulala and Michael to Purge's base, and the duo arrived alongside rival reporters Pudding and Hoorg. However, they were quickly found out and encounter Shadow again, prompting a band battle between the Rhythm Rogues and Ulala's group. Ulala's group won and Shadow was revealed to be a brainwashed Jaguar. Jaguar quickly informed Ulala that Purge is intending to complete a weapon known as 'The Ballistic Groove Gun', which will force the whole galaxy to dance. The group advanced to a higher layer of the base, where Purge was broadcasting the live debut of the Purge TV Show.


Ulala, Pine, Pudding, and Space Michael defeating Shadow

As the whole group faced off against Purge's robots, Ulala was soon led into a one-on-one dance

battle with Purge. However, things took a turn for the worse when Purge used dance power to turn into Purge the Great. Ulala became desperate, and although she managed to avoid several shots from Purge, he quickly charges a shot which sends her spiraling to the ground, resulting in her death.

While in a limbo-like state, Ulala was encouraged to get back up by her close friends and those she has saved previously. Ulala was resurrected by the crowd's energy and was able to take on Purge with the help of everyone that chanted for her return. After successfully rescuing President Peace, Purge quickly attempted to take out the entire mass with his Ballistic Groove Gun, but Fuse miraculously returned and urged Ulala to defeat Purge. Ulala exclaimed "Purge! Enough of your trash TV!" before blasting him off into the galaxy with the help of the crowd. Ulala signed off before strutting to the end of the galaxy with her entourage once again.


Sonic Riders[]

Ulala appears an unlockable character in Sonic Riders. The reporter is in fact one of the fastest characters in the game, with speed stats rivaling those of Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk. Her Extreme Gear board is "Channel 5“ styled.

SEGA Superstars[]

Ulala is also a playable character in the game Sega Superstars. In her minigame, she needs (like in Space Channel 5) to remember different dance moves when they are shown by the Morolians, then repeat it in time with six different buttons.

SEGA Superstars Tennis[]


Ulala and Morolians when special move is activated

In this game, Ulala is one of the 20 playable characters you can play as. In this game, she is wearing her iconic orange Space Channel 5 suit. Besides herself, Pudding and Ulala are the only Space Channel 5 characters to appear in SEGA Superstars Tennis as playable characters.

Ulala is a default character in-game, and cannot be purchased or found by the player.

Ulala‘s special move is unique, as, when activated, it changes her suit from orange to white, and when the tennis ball is hit by an opponent, it summons Morolians to block the players from moving freely across the court. This special movie is very stylish and one of the more useful.

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing[]


Ulala’s car in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

In this game, Ulala is one of the 20 playable characters, and can be purchased with 3,000 Sega License points. In this game, Ulala drives her Astro Glider on every track and course. Ulala is the only playable Space Channel 5 character in this game.

For her All-Star movies, she stands on top of her Astro Glider and proceeds to start shooting the other players with a drone-like space gun, which targets on enemies in a Chu Chu Chu matter. Ulala shoots red hearts from this gun, and takes a while to reload.

Sonic Colors[]

Ulala is briefly mentioned in Sonic Colors as a cameo. Although she does not appear, it is a fun little easter egg for bigger Space Channel 5 and SEGA fans.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed[]


Ulala at the beginning of the race

Ulala is one of the 10 default playable characters in Sonic Transformed. Is is one of the 24 main

playable characters and drives a car similar to her Astro Glider. Besides herself, Ulala and Pudding are the only two playable Space Channel 5 characters in this game.

In this game, Ulala is wearing her iconic white dress (bottom and top bra) with the Space Channel 5 logo on it. In this game, her design was improved and updated to fit the style of the current Sonic the Hedgehog, Shemune, and other current SEGA game styles.


Ulala in a plane in Sonic Transformed.

In the game, Ulala’s All-Star movie is somewhat similar to Danica Patrick, Tails, Amigo, Gillius, AGES,

Reala, and Avatar (Xbox 360). When activated, Ulala will summon two Morolians to shoot her space gun in a Chu Chu Chu matter. They are both located on each side of her car/boat/plane. This All-Star is super effective and is similar to the common, in-game weapon Ice. When the all-Star is in use, the Morolians Will shoot hearts towards the armed player ahead of you. This All-Star was rated #4 in Best All-Stars to use in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, first pace going to Tails, second going to Gum, and third going to Eggman.

SEGA Heroes[]

They was rumored Ulala and Pudding will appear in this mobile game. However, the game has shut down before it happens.



Different models of Ulala in Space Channel 5 (Part 2)

Ulala’s outfit changes all the time, but her most iconic outfits are her orange and white dresses, which can be used in both part 1 and part 2.

In part 2, Ulala can wear several different outfits by completing certain tasks. To see a full list of her outfits, visit Space Channel 5 (series).




Fuse, in a Channel 5 space station

Fuse is Ulala's boss and the director of Space Channel 5. He guides Ulala throughout the levels, and can be very strict on the poor girl if she messes up. However, he gives Ulala nothing but praise if she does well, and even becomes fascinated by her moves.

It is unknown how Ulala sees Fuse, whether a father or a brother figure, but she seems to care for him a lot. She rescued him from Blank's clutches in the first game and in Part 2, she was reluctant to escape the exploding station without Fuse. Judging that Fuse took Purge's hit for her, he clearly cares for her as well.



Ulala and Pudding face off

Pudding is Ulala's rival reporter from Channel 42. In both games, she and Ulala face off in fierce showdowns for ratings. Whilst Pudding is rather arrogant in the first game, confident that she can beat Ulala, she seems to have gained respect for her rival in the second game. This doesn't stop her from gloating when she is winning, however.

In both games, Pudding ends up helping Ulala in order to defeat the villain at the end. However, she is the main rival in both games.



Noize helping Ulala defeat Pine

Although it is unknown if Noize and Ulala are close friends, Noize does help transport Ulala to several reports in Space Channel 5 (Part 2), helps her defeat Pine in report 3, and helps her escape the destructed Channel 5 Headquarters at the end of report 4.


  • Ulala is the first female character introduced in Space Channel 5.
  • Ulala was may have been named after the French expression "Ooh La La" in translations of the game.
  • Although "Ulala" is the official English spelling of her name, her Japanese name is "Urara." Urara is a Japanese girl's name, and her name is written in Hiragana ("うらら"). This is also due to the fact that the Japanese "R" sound is equal to that of an "L" sound in other languages. Her Japanese voice actress was kept as a secret for years, in Japan, the game's would credit Ulala as being "voiced by herself", eventually it was later revealed that her voice actress was Mineko Okamura, who is also the CEO of Grounding Inc. Still, the reason why Mineko was credited as "Ulala herself" is still left unclear.
  • For years, people though Nahoko Nezu was her Japanese voice actress, Nahoko was the game's choreographer who did some motion captures for the game and was even born on May 30th, which is Ulala's ficctional birthday, she also dressed up as Ulala to promote the game at the Tokyo Game Show.
  • Her Peach Suit reveals that Ulala loves shopping.
  • The Ulala Mic item information in the changing room states that Ulala painted her Channel 5 microphone blue without asking for permission first. This is odd, as all other Channel 5 microphones that appear in the first game are also blue.
  • When Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash! was announced, Sega revealed revealed that they had lost contact with the Ulala's original English voice actress, Apollo Smile and that Cherami Leigh Kuehn would be voicing Ulala going forward. Team Grounding made a tweet on November 14, 2018, asking for help to track down Apollo Smile for the game.
  • Mineko Okamura, who is Ulala's Japanese voice actress and CEO of Grounding Inc. revealed in an interview that they were actually able to find Apollo Smile thanks to Space Channel 5's dedicated community, however, Apollo herself didn't want to return to reprise her role. [4]
  • Ulala, 88MAN and Shinichiro Tachibana were all kidnapped and made hostages for the first in Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash! by Glitter.
  • Both the Morolians and Othermoros share Ulala's current English voice actress, Cherami Leigh.
  • Ulala’s Japanese voice actress was also the voice of the Morolians in the first two games.
  • During Glitter's boss battle in Kinda Funky News Flash! Ulala will always be seen wearing her neon yellow outfit in the monitor, no matter which outfit she is actually wearing.
Sega characters

P4 Yu Narukami

Yu Narukami

P4 Teddie


P4 Yosuke Hanamura

Yosuke Hanamura

P4 Chie Satonaka

Chie Satonaka

P4 Yukiko Amagi

Yukiko Amagi

P4 Kanji Tatsumi

Kanji Tatsumi

P4 Rise Kujikawa

Rise Kujikawa

P4 Naoto Shirogane

Naoto Shirogane

P3 Makoto Yuki

Makoto Yuki

P3 Kotone Shiomi

Kotone Shiomi

P3 Koromaru


P3 Yukari Takeba

Yukari Takeba

P3 Junpei Iori

Junpei Iori

P3 Akihiko Sanada

Akihiko Sanada

P3 Mitsuru Kirijo

Mitsuru Kirijo

P3 Fuuka Yamagishi

Fuuka Yamagishi

P3 Ken Amada

Ken Amada

P3 Shinjiro Aragaki

Shinjiro Aragaki

Oboro Clan Logo

Oboro Clan


Judgement 6

Imperial Combat Revue Logo

Imperial Combat Revue



Tojo Clan Logo

Tojo Clan

Omi Alliance Logo

Omi Alliance




Channel 5

Nightopian NJoD



Blast Runner




Rub Rabbits

Umbra Witches Logo

Umbra Witches

Hatsune Miku Character


Alex Sega All-Stars Sonic
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Games: Sega Superstars · Sega Superstars Tennis · Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing · Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed