Sega Wiki

Sega Card, or Sega My Card was a type of card based cartridge developed by Sega originally released in 1985 for the SG-1000 and later the Master System. It was discontinued in 1987.



Master System[]


  • In Europe, many of the Sega Card titles were released in cartridge form, as Sega had moved away from this format by the time they were ready to launch there.
  • Bank Panic is the only title to be released with both a SG-1000 version and a Master System version.
  • Spy vs Spy is the only Master System box art that doesn't follow the hand holding card artwork formula, with the exception of Germany, who altered the box art to fit the range better.
  • The card system was originally designed for smaller games to be put on, whilst cartridges would be reserved for bigger games. The Sega Cards could only contain 32kb of data.
  • Many of the Master System titles that contained a card would have the artwork on the box be a hand holding the card in question.

