Sega Wiki

16t (or 16 ton) is a scrolling action platformer game released exclusively in Japan for the Mega Drive in 1991.


The player controls a young man in prison garb, Apple Gaikichi, who must eliminate his opponents inside a maze like structure by throwing the titular 16 ton weights, crushing them into a bloody mush.

Apple has five weights in total in his arsenal, which he will throw in an arc. After being thrown Apple will have to wait for a weight to recharge.

The weights can bounce off of one another and so Apple must be careful not to be crushed himself when he throws. This does allow for richochet shots off of other weights onto opponents in the distance however.

The weights will take damage and slowly break if another weight hits them, or an enemy starts attacking them.

Apple can use the weights as extra platforms to reach higher areas.

Overall the gameplay is similar to that of Teddy Boy Blues as the main character is tasked with taking out dozens of enemies in an ever looping maze world.


16t glitch start up
  • The game starts up with a glitch like screen that shows the game's world corrupting.
  • This game was released as part of Game no Kanzume Otokuyou.




External links[]

  • 16t at MobyGames
  • 16t at GameFAQs
  • 16t at Sega Retro
  • 16t at Sega-16